Designer Jason Park has created what he believes could be the race car of the future. Dubbed the Jaguar Persona, the vehicle has been designed to tackle problems brought on by ever-improving technology which are diluting the passion of current racing cars. Park’s design therefore brings back the expert craftsmanship of yesteryear and combines it with cutting edge technologies and a futuristic design fitting for the year 2030.

Power for the Persona comes courtesy of NASA-designed motors which include self-recharging battery cores. The motors have then been embedded into an aerodynamically-designed exterior that is not only extremely efficient. but also looks the part.

Among the key design elements are two individual pods for the driver and passenger, huge air intakes to feed the electric motors, bulging front and rear wheel arches and front and rear fascias that are as sharp as a razor blade.

Race cars in 2030 may not resemble the Jaguar Persona in the slightest, but if they do, even just remotely, motorsport will continue to go strong well into the electric age.