The Pagani has released two teaser images previewing the upcoming Huayra Roadster along with the revelation that it will be unveiling the drop-top supercar at the 2017 Geneva Motor Show.

The basic parameters ought to be fairly straightforward. Take one Huayra coupe, chop the top off, and here is A Huayra Roadster. Of course the engineering work undertaken by the team in Modena won't be that simple, and there will be certain unknowns.

Will the Huayra Roadster employ a folding fabric roof, or a removable solid roof panel? The Zonda Roadster employed the latter, so that's where the smart money would be.

Will the Roadster adopt specifications closer to the base Huayra or the more extreme Huayra BC? We're going to venture the latter again, but if not, it could leave the door open for a BC Roadster in the future as well. (For what it's worth, the lower grille aperture in the second teaser looks slightly different from either previous version.)

We'll find out sooner or later, depending on how you'd describe a wait of three months. The Palexpo in Geneva opens its doors to the press on March 7.