Two years ago, the automotive world was flooded by insane ‘Vision Gran Turismo’ concepts from some of the leading automakers, including Infiniti, Bugatti, Chrysler, Hyundai, Peugeot and Nissan.

Created for the Gran Turismo 6 video game, the concepts allowed designers to express their true creativity without any restrictions. One luxury marque which missed out on creating a concept was Bentley and while it’s too late for one to be announced, designer Florian Westermann has created one anyway.

Based around the Bentley EXP 12 Speed 6e concept that debuted in Geneva, Westermann’s creation overhauls the vehicle’s design to make it look like a world-beating race car from the year 2030. 

As with some of the most iconic cars ever produced (think Jaguar D-Type), the Bentley EXP Speed 12 Vision Gran Turismo has an asymmetric design and only a single seat for the driver. The front includes similar headlights to Bentley’s Geneva concept while the rear consists of oval-shaped LED taillights, a frightening diffuser and curvaceous rear arches.