Tesla has offered up a bunch of new details on the Model 3 EV and compared them to the Model S that is already available. Some of these Model 3 details are new and include driving range and performance.

The Tesla Model 3 will scoot from 0-60 mph in 5.6 seconds, much slower than the Model S P100D Ludicrous mode that can do the deed in 2.3 seconds. The driving range of the Model S is about 215 miles compared to the up to 335 miles of the Model S.

Model 3 buyers can Supercharge if they want, but they will pay per use compared to the free Supercharging that most Model S users get. The Model 3 will hold five people inside and has a manual trunk. A single digital display is inside the Model 3 and the car will have under 100 configurations to choose from. Delivery for the Model 3 is about a year away.