This is the new Sinogold G60, an electric MPV from China. Sinogold is a new electric car maker based in Shandong Province, in possession of the coveted government-issued car making license.

The company is owned by Kissun Auto, a minivan maker which in turn is owned by Shanxi Tongjia Auto, which makes one electric minivan under the Shanxi Tongjia brand. Shanxi Tongjia in turn  is a subsidiary of the giant state owned conglomerate Shanxi Auto, which makes everything from heavy trucks to mini pickup trucks, and makes a lot of sweet stuff for the Chinese army.

The G60 will be sold under the Sinogold brand and under the Kissun brand. The Kissun branded cars get a big red badge on the grille, looking less high tech than the Sinogold variant. Dimension size is 4615/1845/1655 mm, and wheelbase is 2840 mm. The G60 has a 160 hp electric motor. Top speed is 150 kilometers per hour. Range is yet unknown.