Hollywood superstar Keanu Reeves who rose to fame through the Matrix movie franchise, has realized his dream of building a custom motorcycle with the help of chopper builder S&S Cycle. Called the KRGT-1, the actor has founded a new firm called the Arch Motorcycle Company to market his dream motorcycle.

Styled by blending the lines of a chopper and a tourer, the Arch KRGT-1 is made entirely of billet aluminium. The motorcycle is characterized by a circular LED headlamp, minimalistic visor, a complex fuel tank, cantilevered tailpiece, U-shaped seat and a massive 240 section rear tyre.

The handcrafted motorcycle has stunning attention to detail. The fuel tank is the most interesting part of the package since it’s machined out of a 534 pound (242 kg) aluminium billet, a process which consumes 66 hours!

The machining results in two fuel cells which are then jointed together and the right cell is reinforced to act as a structural member.

Power comes from a 2.0-litre S&S Cycle T124 V-Twin engine which delivers 121.53 hp and 121.77 Nm of torque (both are rear wheel figures). A six-speed Baker gearbox transfers the power. The motorcycle weighs 538 pounds (244 kg).

Held together by a tubular chassis with billet aluminium structural members, the KRGT-1 is suspended by an upside down fork (front) and a monoshock (rear). Dual front and single rear ISR discs provide retardation. The wheels which are made of carbon fibre are wrapped with 120/70ZR19 (front) and 240/40R18 (rear) rubbers.

The Arch KRGT-1 carries an eye-watering ‘introductory’ price of US$ 78,000.