VW/MAN Workline Truck

Happening today in Guadalajara, Mexico, Expo Transport ANPACT 2015, one of the largest Latin American event of the heavy transport sector and MAN Truck & Bus Mexico took the opportunity to present the new line Worker - there called Workline.

The premiere of the unit is 17,230 model, with design innovations and electronic engine management.

The workline 17,230 has mechanical by MAN, EURO 5, 230 hp, with gas recirculation system, which eliminates the need for Arla 32. The cabin, bumpers, sunshade and fenders are painted in the same color, and the first model in Mexico to rely on this feature. It also offers great versatility of use and can be used for dry or liquid cargo, attach cranes, waste transport or other applications thanks to its load capacity up to 12 tons.

In Mexico, 30% of the market is the segment above 15 tonnes and, in this scenario, Volkswagen intends to strengthen its image with new products and reach up to 5% of the freight market in the next two years.

Investments in industrial structure, authorized releases and network are already running as part of the expansion plans of operations of the MAN Truck & Bus in Mexico. Currently there are 12 dealers of heavy line and four points of sales and service - five more than last year. Production is expected to reach the number of 2000 units / year.