Citroen C6 1.6 Turbo

The Citroen C6 will be launched on the Chinese car market in September. We knew it would be available with a 1.8 turbo with 204 hp and 280 nm. We have always said that 204 hp is barely enough to bring a big car like the C6 up to speed.

But Citroen is just announced a second engine for the C6, a 1.6 turbo with only 167 hp and 245 nm. That car is going to be so slow. The C6’s curb weight is a hefty 1590 kilo. What it needs is a proper V6 with at least 250 horses.

The Citroen C6 is basically the same car as the Dongfeng Fengshen A9, with a fancier interior, a slightly different rear, a rather different front, and a higher price tag. The Citroen C6 and the Dongfeng Fengshen A9 are manufactured alongside each other by the Dongfeng-PSA joint venture. They are both based on the PSA EMP2 platform, which will also underpin the upcoming DS9 sedan which is scheduled to arrive in late 2017.

Dongfeng Motor can use the platform because they are one of the largest shareholders in PSA. Companies also have the long-running Dongfeng-PSA joint venture that makes various other Citroen and Peugeot branded cars for the Chinese market.

The Citroen C6 will compete with cars such as the Ford Taurus, the Buick LaCrosse, and the Toyota Crown. This segment is relatively unknown in Europe but very popular in China. Price-wise the vehicles are positioned just below the 3-Series, A4, and C-Class, but they are usually bigger and more luxurious.

Source : Carscoops