Otto Self Driving Truck

The world's first commercial shipment by a self-driving truck has just been completed by Otto and Anheuser-Busch. The shipment of a fully loaded trailer of Budweiser beer saw the autonomous truck drive over 120 miles from Fort Collins, Colorado through to Denver, Colorado Springs. Remarkably, the truck completed the journey on I-25 without any human intervention, although a truck driver was monitoring its every move from the sleeper berth.

Otto has developed its self-driving technology to offer truck drivers the opportunity to rest during long stretches of tedious highway driving and says its system has the potential to extend productive work hours without any sacrifice to safety.

After the successful delivering, Otto co-founder Lior Ron said “The incredible success of this pilot shipment is an example of what is possible when you deploy self-driving technology. It also showcases the importance of collaboration with forward-looking states like Colorado and innovative companies like Anheuser-Busch.

Otto is currently working with Uber to further develop advanced self-driving technologies.