Based on the report from the Young Machine magazine, Yamaha plans to make a naked retro version of MT-25/MT-3. It is known from sketches they make that claimed as prototype model, because drawn by insiders of Yamaha.

Later, this classic model will be labeled XSR250 or XSR300. Viewed at a glance, this model still retains most of MT-25/MT-3 component, such as the chassis, rims, suspension, front fender, and exhaust. Engine wise, XSR250 will use the base MT-25, when XSR300 would use the property of the MT-03 that marketed in Europe.

The XSR250/300 is definitely brings classic style. Starting from the front, using a vintage round shaped headlamp and oval shaped tanks without additional shroud on both sides, and the short seat model combined with the brake lights of small spherical model.

The XSR300 will go on sale in Europe in 2018 with a predicted price of about 4,200 pounds.