Fiat is the latest automaker to have auctioned off the first example of its latest product. But rather than consign it to Barrett-Jackson or one of the other big auction houses, the Italian automaker partnered for this sale with

The car in question is the new Fiat 124 Spider Prima Edizione Lusso Special, a new edition of the roadster made by Mazda for FCA that will account for the first 124 examples of the 2017 model to reach dealers.

It took less than a day for VIN No. 1 of the special-edition Spider to sell through the online shopping portal, but it didn't bring in the big bucks that first-example muscle cars tend to sell for. Instead it sold for US$ 31,500, which is more than the US$ 24,995 MSRP for the base 124 Spider Classica or the US$ 27,495 for the Lusso model, but is actually a fair bit less than the US$ 35k Fiat charges for the Prima Edizione.

As if that didn't make the hammer price enough of a steal, it also comes with a US$ 500 gift card and a US$ 1,000 travel credit for use on Factor those in and the buyer got a US$ 5k break on the purchase price.

The Prima Edizione comes in Azzurro Italia with saddle leather interior. Each example is individually numbered and comes with other bonuses like a leather bag, journal, and poster.