Hyundai has welcoming the newest addition to its zombie-fighting family at New York Comic-Con: Anson Kuo’s Santa Fe Zombie Survival Machine. Aimed at effective undead annihilation, the fan-built vehicle is on display for the living on the show floor on October 10, 2013.

As part of The Walking Dead Chop Shop configurator app designed by Hyundai and INNOCEAN USA (launched during San Diego Comic-Con), fans have designed thousands of custom zombie survival machines using the Hyundai Veloster Turbo, Santa Fe or Elantra. This summer, Kuo’s Santa Fe design was picked as the winner out of more than 82,500 fan submissions. 

Kuo, who hails from Arizona, created an urban camouflaged Zombie Survival Machine featuring: knife blades, an automatic crossbow, razor-wired windows, three machine guns, a samurai sword, aluminum armor and a muffler silencer. His mission was to create a stealthy vehicle with abundant cargo space for supplies and passengers, maximizing survivability against the undead. Having knives as a primary weapon ensures scarce ammunition is conserved, said Kuo. This Hyundai will be a true zombie obliterator.

At San Diego Comic-Con in July, Hyundai unveiled a customized Veloster Zombie Survival Machine designed by Robert Kirkman and fabricated by GAS.