As rugged as the exterior of this customized Land Rover Defender might seem, the interior is the exact opposite, with a focus on luxury and personalized color combinations. Stand outside this Defender and you'll notice the custom front end, aluminum running boards, dirt flaps, blacked out model inscription, black Monostar D wheels as well as thin blue belt-line stripes.

Inside, you've got the Startech leather sport steering wheel, gearshift levers, custom aluminum pedal pads and of course a full dual-tone leather interior that even features little blue edges where the white meets the brown on the upper dash, armrest, seats and door panels. In the back, you've got a mean-looking sound installation, plus enough space to sit about four extra people, although not all to comfortably if we're being honest.

This high level of customization doesn't surprise us at all, seen as how Startech are quite adept at putting together exclusive interior designs, utilizing materials such as fine leathers, high-quality Alcantara, exclusive wood inlays, sporty aluminum components and even carbon fiber.

At the same time, this isn't the first Startech-tuned Defender we've seen, as its interior shares quite a few things in common with this limited edition Sixty8 Defender presented back in 2015.