Taking to the Hill for this year's Goodwood Supercar
Run will be Nissan's all-electric BladeGlider prototype, as well as the
latest-generation MY17 GT-R and GT-R Nismo. The BladeGlider, last driven on the
Monaco street circuit, represents Nissan's most cutting-edge zero emission
technology as well as an innovative automotive design.
After the first three days in which it will tackle
the Hillclimb, the BladeGlider will be hitting the Goodwood circuit, where it
will offer select media members a chance to take part in some of the first
pan-European drive tests.
As for the GT-R, it will be taking on the Supercar
Run on Friday and Saturday in NISMO form, whereas on Sunday, the regular 2017MY
GT-R will be roaring up the Hill.