As if developing advanced hydrogen and electric vehicles for the car industry wasn’t enough, Toyota has found the time to create this; the T-HR3. The creation is Toyota’s third-generation “humanoid robot” and has been designed to provide people with assistance in the home, in hospitals and even outer space.

The Toyota T-HR3 robot doesn’t use artificial intelligence and is instead controlled by a separate contraption, dubbed the Master Maneuvering System, that the operator is strapped into. This allows the operator’s movements to be replicated by the robot and its 29 distinct body parts. Additionally, the T-HR3 provides force feedback to the operator through the control chair.

Beyond replicating the movements of a human strapped into the control chair, the T-HR3 utilizes Flexible Joint Control to allow it to control the force of contact it makes with objects in its surrounding environment. 

Toyota hasn’t said what it aims to achieve with the T-HR3 but will display the robot at the International Robot Exhibition 2017 from November 29 to December 2.