Lotus CEO Jean-Marc Gales has revealed the company will launch two new sports cars in 2020. Speaking with Car Magazine, Gales reportedly confirmed one of the models will be a replacement for an existing vehicle. 

This means the car will be a successor to the Elise, Exige, or Evora. Gales has previously said the company was working on a new Elise for 2020 and it’s a likely candidate as the current model isn’t offered in the United States.

Gales didn’t say much about the car but he hinted it will use an updated version of the company’s bonded aluminum tub as “It’s still a benchmark for lightweight, crash resistance, and longevity.”

The second vehicle will reportedly be a track-focused model that will replace the 3-Eleven and use a new carbon fiber tub. Gales said the car will be “much more civilized” than 3-Eleven as that car is “pretty raw.”

Gales went on to say both models will be “absolutely stunning and gorgeous, in terms of design and aerodynamics.” He also said they will be more practical with improved entry and egress. Both models are expected to borrow from the Volvo and Geely parts bin but Gales declined to say whether or not engines would be sourced from the companies. However, Gales did confirm the vehicles won’t use Volvo’s infotainment system as he doesn’t think it is suitable for use in sports cars.

Later down the road, Lotus will introduce its first crossover. Gales didn’t say much about the model but confirmed it will arrive in 2021 or 2022.