The new and stylish Bajaj Discover 125 ST-R has been launched in Colombia. The styling resembles the Discover 125 ST that was sold in the Indian market. However, the ST-R badged version features added elements that give it a modern and appealing look. The fuel tank, for example, gets shrouds painted in a contrasting shade from the body colour. The shrouds also feature the 125 ST-R branding while the fuel tank gets Discover tag.

The headlight on the Discover 125 ST-R gets sharper cuts while the windshield is shorter than the one seen on the Discover 125 ST. However, the motorcycle retains its dual-tone front fender and the unique alloy wheel design. It also retains the dual tone exhaust with a brushed aluminium top and a chrome heat shield.

Behind the fuel tank is a step-up seat. The design, contrary to the unit seen on the Discover 125 ST, is more appealing. The contrasting stitching further enhances the look of the saddle. The rear panel, too, gets some revision and the unit on the Discover 125 ST-R is a black coloured unit.

Mechanical specifications are not different from the Discover 125 ST, and the ST-R badged model continues to feature 124.59 cc, four-stroke, single-cylinder engine that delivers 12.8 hp of maximum power at 9,000 rpm and 10.8 Nm of peak torque at 6,500 rpm.

Anchoring tasks are performed by a petal-type disc brake at the front while at the rear is a drum unit. Suspension duties are performed by the same hardware that does the task on the Discover 125 ST. Thus, you would find conventional telescopic forks at the front and a Mono-Nitrox system at the rear.