General Motors is ignoring one of the cardinal rules of the internet and is asking fans to help name its upcoming eBike. Through November 26th, the automaker is asking people to submit their suggestions at a specially designed website called While previously attempts to crowdsource names have ended in spectacularly bad fashion, you might want to skip on the Bikey McBikeface entries as GM is actually giving away prizes for the best names.

The winning submission will get bragging rights as well as US$ 10,000. Nine finalists will also receive a runner up prize of US$ 1,000. As part of the contest, fans are being asked to submit a name as well as a “50-100 word creative concept” for the bike. The latter will be pretty important because the description will be the deciding factor if multiple people enter the same winning name.

The entries will be judged on a number of different criteria including everything from being trademark-able to being meaningful in multiple languages. The company is also looking for a name that inspires people to choose eBikes as their preferred method of transportation.

The contest is open to people in a number of countries including Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. US citizens are also allowed to enter and so are most Canadians – except those residing in Quebec. After all the entries are submitted, GM will judge them internally and select ten finalists. The company then will determine the best name for the bike and make an official announcement on January 31st, 2019.

GM didn’t say much about the ebike, but said it was created as part of their commitment to an all-electric future. That isn’t much to go on, but the pictures show the bike is relatively compact and can be folded to easily fit in the back of a vehicle. The bike also has a headlight and traditional pedals for when you don’t want to rely on electric power.