Bajaj Auto has launched the new and more powerful version of the V15. Christened as the V15 Power Up, the new variant packs 1 PS more power than its predecessor. Thus, the new Bajaj B15 Power Up draws 13 PS (vs. 12 PS at 7,500 rpm) of maximum power at 8,000 rpm and 13 Nm of peak torque at 6,000 rpm from its 149.53 cc, single-cylinder, 4-stroke, SOHC 2 valve, air cooled, DTS-i engine. Apart from the new engine, Bajaj has also introduced the one-down-four-up gearshift pattern with the new variant.

Anchoring tasks are performed by a disc brake at the front and a drum unit at the rear. ABS is still unavailable. Bajaj will most definitely install a single-channel ABS to keep costs low and prices competitive, during a later update. To give the V15 a visual upgrade, Bajaj has introduced revised graphics. The red paint on the fuel tank occupies more space and comes in a new design. The graphics on the side panels, too, have been revised.

Rest of the design and hardware specifications remain identical to the outgoing model. The motorcycle retains the pillion backrest, alloy-wheel design with tubeless tyres and the semi-digital instrument console. A double-cradle chassis continues to underpin the motorcycle. Conventional telescopic forks at the front and twin-sided suspension at the back perform shock absorption tasks.

The motorcycle is priced at INR 65,626 (ex-showroom), while the on-road price in Pune stands at INR 81,590. The new V15 has started to roll into the dealerships but we are yet to hear a launch announcement from Bajaj.