You’re never too old to “play” with LEGO bricks, and if you think otherwise, then you have definitely missed out on some of the hottest life-size creations made over the years.

The latest one recreates the iconic Volkswagen T2 and is over 5 meters long, 1.9 meters wide and almost 2 meters tall. With the roof popped up, the height increases by another meter.

Made of 400,000 LEGO bricks, the full-size T2 weighs 700 kg and took six weeks to be created. And it was an arduous journey, recalls Rene Hoffmeister, one of 12 officially certified LEGO model makers in the world.  “Essentially, we would have needed a nine-day week. However, as they don’t exist, the only option was night shifts.”

Everything was calculated in detail to ensure lasting stability, from the tens of thousands of transparent bricks for the windows, which were missing at first, to the rigidity of the side walls, Westfalia pop-up roof, sliding door and interior fittings.

Now that the LEGO T2 is finished, it will be on display at the F.RE.E Leisure and Travel Fair in Munich, Germany, between February 20 and 24. There, visitors can check it out in person and compare it to the real VW T2, which served as the blueprint for the model.