The Mobile World Congress (MWC) kicks off in Barcelona later this month and SEAT is once again using the technology show to introduce a new concept. Set to be unveiled on February 25th, the mysterious model is being described as a car developed as a “mobility platform.” The company also said the concept is an important part of their “urban micromobility strategy.”

That’s not much to go on, but the teaser image suggests the concept will have a distinctive front fascia that is unlike anything else in the SEAT lineup. As you can see, it will have slender headlights and a triangular grille that looks like it was plucked from Tony Stark’s chest. The grille has a small illuminated triangle in the center as well as an illuminated outer triangle with three dimensional accents.

SEAT President Luca de Meo was coy on details, but said “Mobility is changing, and our role as a manufacturer and provider of mobility is changing with it.” He added, “We must be able to manage and offer new mobility platforms that will be the key players in cities of the future.” These statements could suggest the concept is intended for use as part of a ride-hailing or ride-sharing service, but nothing is official as of yet.

Regardless, the concept won’t be the only thing on display in Barcelona. SEAT will also use the show to highlight their partnership with Telefónica to launch a “5G Connected Car” pilot program. It is designed to showcase how next-generation mobile connectivity can allow cars to communicate with surrounding infrastructure and other vehicles.

SEAT will also provide an update on two other projects known as the ride-sharing initiative and the Bus on Demand project. The latter aims to “enhance the efficiency of public transport,” while the former connects drivers travelling on similar routes so they can potentially travel together. SEAT said both projects will advance to their second phase later this year and will be available in Barcelona.