Armored vehicles are usually large luxury sedans or SUVs which are about as much fun to drive as a school bus. AddArmor is trying to fix that by unveiling what they’re claiming is the world’s fastest armored car. Boasting a top speed of 325 km/h, the armored vehicle is based on an Audi RS7 Sportback which has been tuned by APR.

Starting under the hood, the model has been equipped with an APR Plus Stage II system which enables the twin-turbo 4.0-liter V8 engine to produce 760 hp and 1,085 Nm of torque. This allows the car to rocket from 0-96 km/h in just 2.9 seconds.

AddArmor didn’t want to spoil the impressive performance, so they used polycarbonate weave cocooning which is 10 times stronger than ballistic steel despite weighing 60% less. The company also installed special windows which are a “multi-layer mixture of polycarbonate and ballistic glass.”

The armoring added less than 91 kg of weight to the vehicle and provides occupants with European B4 levels of protection. This enables the car to protect people from small arms fire including rounds from a .44 Magnum.

While AddArmor could have stopped there, they didn’t as they also added an assortment of countermeasures that would make Q proud. Highlights include pepper spray dispensers, a custom smokescreen system and a “sonic sound cannon.” The model also has aircraft-inspired blinding lights, run-flat tires and electric shock door handles which deliver a jolt similar to a high-powered taser gun.

The car also sports a mine/explosion detection system, a 360° night vision camera system and an “overpressure gas detection unit with onboard gas masks and air tanks to supply filtered fresh breathing air.”

Should things really go south, the model’s front barrier bumper can be used to ram obstacles while still protecting the radiator. Should all else fail, there’s biometric gun racks in the boot which can hold pistols and assault guns. If you have to break those out, you’ll be glad to know the car’s Global 911 concierge service will have likely been alerted to your predicament.

The armored RS7 is currently available and it costs US$ 205,000. That’s US$ 91,100 more than the standard model, but the company says packages start at just US$ 28,000.