Motorcycles are now one of the best tools to actively control time, how to move, bring freedom to the driver, especially to reduce traffic congestion of major cities around the world. However, motorcycles are also a vehicle that is easy to risk and lead to unfortunate accidents. Therefore, Damon Motor manufacturer is aiming to produce safer motorcycles by taking advantage of mobile sensors and algorithms.

Damon Halo motorcycle model is built on a technology platform consisting of three pillars: Unified sensor, AI technology to increase road safety, data connection and electrification.

The data is tested over thousands of virtual and realistic miles of the road, traffic situation from various sources will be collected, transmitted to vehicles via 5G technology. These data will be gathered at the electronic "brain" of the vehicle, then the updates are sent back to the processor on the car, analyze the data using AI technology and continuously collect the information is transmitted. Such constantly updated data leads to a faster, more sophisticated system that alerts the driver of potential hazards.

In addition, the device on the vehicle can collect up to 64 vehicles simultaneously. As soon as the information is available, the vehicle will warn the driver by activating the steering wheel vibration system.

Another special feature of the Damon Halo is that the car has the ability to customize the different sitting postures according to the needs of users with the click of a button. When activated, the car's steering wheel and footrest will change based on the user's pre-set options.