A street artist allowed to have his way with a Rolls-Royce Phantom: what could possibly go wrong? Well, the answer likely depends on your attitude towards art cars in the first place. If you like them, you’ll probably find this Phantom painted by U.S. street artist Bradley Theodore to be your cup of tea. If you’re not on board with a contemporary artist turning a car into a canvas  – particularly a luxury institution like the Rolls-Royce Phantom – your eyebrows will probably be in a raised while looking at these photos.

Either way, this particular Phantom is hard to ignore. It doesn’t appear to be an official project endorsed by the British brand, but rather an individual effort. The car was photographed at Abu Dhabi Motors in the United Arab Emirates, so we can assume it is destined for a customer in the country.

We’ll leave the art experts to comment on the painting, but we will say it appears consistent with the artist’s previous work. We don’t know who the owner is, but Abu Dhabi Motors posted the photos on its Facebook page with the following caption.

The answer to that question is the Rolls-Royce Phantom you see in the photos. If you’re not a fan of the artwork and are more concerned about the resale value, you’ll be happy to know the original blue paint is safe as the car was fully wrapped before Theodore was allowed to unleash his creativity.

As for the interior, it’s as exquisite as when it left the Goodwood factory. Nothing seems to indicate the artist was allowed inside carrying a paintbrush.