EeVe India has unveiled two products at the Auto Expo 2020. The new products from the brand include the Tesero electric bike and Forseti retro electric scooter. The electric motorcycle from the two-wheeler brand packs modern and aggressive styling. The front fascia of the Tesero feature a full LED headlight along with LED blinkers and tinted visor. The hardware specifications are on the premium side, and the electric motorcycle uses upside-down telescopic forks at the front and a mono-shock at the back to perform the shock absorption tasks. Braking power comes from disc brakes on both the wheels.

The Forseti electric scooter packs retro looks that are complemented by modern features such as LED lighting. The hardware on the Forseti electric scooter comprise conventional telescopic forks at the front. The anchoring setup includes a disc brake on the front wheel.  While the company has revealed the vehicle, it did not mention the performance figures or the battery range in its press communication.

Apart from the Tesero electric motorcycle and the Forseti electric scooter, EeVe India also displayed its other products at the Auto Expo 2020. The list comprises Xeniaa, 4U, Wind and Your. The Xeniaa and the Wind feature modern styling while the 4U and Your takes inspiration from retro scooters. The 4U and Xeniaa use a Bosch sourced 250-watt electric motor that is fueled by a 60 V 20 AH lithium-ion battery. The higher-spec scooters boast a range of 60 km to 70 km and a charging time of 4 to 6 hours.

The lower-spec models – Wind and Your – also use a 250-watt motor that draws power from a 60 v 20 AH lead acid battery pack. The range on the Wind and Your electric scooters is approximately 50 km to 60 km.