Mahindra has launched the BS6 XUV500 in India, with prices starting at INR 13.14 lakh*. While dealerships are closed, it is possible to book the BS6 XUV500 online on, with a deposit of INR 5,000. The Mahindra XUV500 was available with two BS4 engines last year. One was the 2.2-litre mHawk turbocharged petrol engine and the other was the 2.2-litre mHawk turbocharged diesel unit. The petrol engine produced 140 BHP and 4,500 rpm and 320 Nm of torque at 2,000-,3000 rpm and came with a 6-speed automatic transmission. It was discontinued last year itself because of low demand.

The diesel engine developed 155 BHP at 3,750 rpm and 360 Nm of torque at 1,750-2,800 rpm. It could be had with a 6-speed manual transmission or a 6-speed automatic transmission. This engine has been upgraded to comply with the BS6 emission norms. Its output figures and the engine speed they’re delivered at have remained unchanged. However, the BS6 version isn’t available with the 6-speed automatic transmission.

The BS6 Mahindra XUV500 is available in four trims, namely W5, W7, W9 and W11(O). Below is the complete pricing* of the new compact SUV:
XUV500 W5 BS6
INR 13,13,966
XUV500 W7 BS6
INR 14,41,201
XUV500 W9 BS6
INR 16,11,832
XUV500 W11(O) BS6
INR 17,64,208

Mahindra is expected to relaunch the XUV500 diesel automatic with the upgraded, BS6 engine in the coming months. However, the XUV500 petrol automatic is unlikely to see a comeback in the current generation. The next-gen XUV500 is already in the works, and it will be available with a newly developed 2.0-litre turbocharged petrol engine. You can know the launch date of the next-gen XUV500 and more about it in our special report here.