Late last month, Maruti Suzuki introduced a facelift for the Swift in India. The 2021 Maruti Suzuki Swift comes with refreshed styling and new colors, a few new features on the inside, but more importantly, it gets a brand new engine under its hood. The Swift is the best selling hatchback in its segment and it was even the most sold car in India in 2020. The Swift continues to be offered in four trim levels - LXi, VXi, ZXi and ZXi+ - with the option of the AMT gearbox on all but the base trim.

The 2021 Maruti Suzuki Swift ditches the 1.2-litre four-cylinder K12M engine and adopts the new K12N Dualjet engine. Compared to 83 hp produced by the outgoing engine, this new engine is more powerful with 90 hp on tap. Torque output however remains unchanged at 113 Nm. This new 1.2-litre four-cylinder petrol engine also comes with idle start-stop tech and that should greatly help increase efficiency. It however does not get the Baleno's SHVS mild-hybrid technology.


Like before, the engine will continue to come mated to either a 5-speed manual or a 5-speed AMT gearbox. In fact, this updated K12N petrol engine has been doing duty on the Dzire facelift since it was introduced in early 2020. From our experience with the Dzire, we can tell you that this new engine feels more responsive both off the line and in in-gear acceleration as well. The updated Swift now has an ARAI figure of 23.20 kpl in the manual version and 23.76 kpl in the automatic version, as against the outgoing car’s 21.21 kpl.

With the new update, prices for the Swift have gone up by about INR 15,000-24,000, depending on the variant. That said, the Swift is a very loved car among Indian buyers and given its young and sporty persona, we are sure the Swift will continue to be the best selling hatchback in this segment