A company by the name of White Motorcycle Concepts wants to set a new land speed record with an electric motorcycle and to make it happen, it has designed a bike that is truly unlike any other. Aerodynamics have played a key part in the design of the bike, dubbed the WMC250EV, and as such, it has a massive hole in it that runs from the very front through to the rear. Ordinarily, the engine of a motorcycle is located directly beneath the fuel tank but as the WMC250EV doesn’t have a fuel tank, nor does it have a big combustion engine, there is a massive void beneath the seat and handlebars.
White Motorcycle Concepts refers to this feature as the V-Air and claims that it reduces drag by up to 70 per cent compared to a normal motorcycle. Located beneath the V-Air is the powertrain the company dubs ‘D-Drive.’ It consists of two 20 kW electric motors at the front wheel and two 30 kW AC motors that power the rear wheel. That results in a combined 100 kW (134 hp) with power fed through a 15 kWh lithium-ion battery pack. Top Gear notes that most components are made from either carbon fiber or aluminum to reduce the weight.
All up, the bike weighs 300 kg, which is heavy by motorcycle standards but as the bike is so aerodynamic, it will be very fast. Robert White, the man behind the company, wants to break both the British and world electric land speed records over the coming 12 months. To do so, he will need to top the current two-way record of 394.4 km/h and one-way speed of 407 km/h.