Having visited Milan, designer Pyotr Krzychkowski was set on fire with the dream of creating a two-wheeled vehicle that would cope with traffic jams in his native country. So in the end, Falectra was born. While abroad, Krzyszkowski thought about how agile little motorcycles and scooters drove through narrow streets and began to think about how to implement their own project. 3D printing came to the rescue, it seemed to him that this was an ideal way to transfer the design of the electric motorcycle he had created from paper to reality. However, further financial support would be required, and accordingly a working prototype is needed.

The designer has teamed up with the Polish company 3D-printing Zortrax. Here is what he says with astonishment on the press release: “The whole process was almost seven times cheaper, and we were able to show the world a functioning motorcycle.”

The implementation of the project took about six months, but this is still a prototype and it is being finalized. For example, the battery will be located as low as possible in order to increase the stability of the electric cycle. Where the fuel tank was supposed to be located is a storage box. The total weight of Falectra will be approximately 90 kg. It is good to.

According to Zortrax, a prototype bike can travel up to 70 km on one charge and reach speeds of up to 60 km/h. Currently, it is planned to create another ten such prototypes for research purposes in 2020, and in 2021 to release the first electric cycle in Poland. The estimated cost of the serial version will be about 4,000 dollars, although this amount, of course, may change. Until the release date is far away.