2017 Sym Jet 14 125

The Sym 2017 range was expanded with three new models: Cruisym 300, Mio 115 and Jet 14. The latter, in 125 cc, embodies the single cylinder of the Symphony, revised for Euro4. We do not yet have power and torque values, but it should logically take those of the Symphony (10 hp and 8.6 Nm), at least in its air version. The Jet 14 is also available in a liquid-cooled variant with a rear disc brake (drum for the air model).

Under the trunk, Sym announces that a full-face helmet can be stored, and if there is no glove compartment, the flat floor and a hook will transport large bags. The opening is made at the contactor, which ignores automatic locking. On the model presented at the show there is a manual ignition of the lights: the version imported for Europe will nevertheless have to have an automatic lighting of the lights as Euro4 requires. Notice the handlebar with the apparent naked handlebar PCX way. No Stop & Start program though.

On the other hand, the coupled braking is present, as well as the side stand with a circuit breaker, the handles with holder, the retractable footrests and the position and rear lights with LEDs.

The Jet 14 will be available in spring 2017, at a price that should be around 2500 Euros in liquid version, a little less in air version.