Tata has used the New Delhi Auto Expo to unveil the new H5X crossover concept. While the company is best known for making the inexpensive Nano, the H5X has more premium roots as it is the first vehicle to based on the new “Optimal Modular Efficient Global Advanced Architecture” which was developed with the assistance of Jaguar Land Rover. 

Tata says the platform is derived from the Land Rover D8 architecture which underpins the Discovery Sport, Range Rover Evoque, and Jaguar E-Pace. Despite its premium origins, Tata says engineers have “used their keen understanding of the Indian market to adapt it further for Indian conditions.”

The company didn’t say much about the diesel-powered model but confirmed it features their new Impact 2.0 design language. It’s relatively stylish and has a bold face with a massive skid plate. The crossover also features plastic body cladding, muscular wheel arches, and LED lighting units.

Overall, the concept measures 4575 mm long, 1960 mm wide, and 1686 mm tall with a wheelbase that spans 2740 mm. That means the model is slightly shorter and lower than the Discovery Sport.

Tata also used the show to introduce the 45X concept which is a premium hatchback that is based on the new Agile Light Flexible Advanced Architecture. It’s a futuristic looking concept with a stylish front fascia and sporty bodywork. The model also features LED headlights, flush-mounted door handles and “wing cameras” which replace traditional side mirrors.