Judging by all these sleek all-electric concepts that keep popping up, we can pretty much tell where the industry is heading when it comes to design evolution. This Citroen Neutron concept doesn’t really fit the mold.

It’s actually a lot more futuristic than most real concepts we’ve come across, and the number one reason for that is its complete lack of concern for practicality and total dedication to design.

Sure, the long wheelbase helps with both interior room as well as luggage space, but aerodynamic, this thing is not. It also looks gigantic and somewhat cumbersome – those large side panels certainly don’t help its case.

The Neutron was designed by Grigory Butin, who says that he imagined the car possibly being powered by a portable thermonuclear reactor, which basically means that it would use fusion propulsion to get around – you know, the type of stuff that in theory could someday power our spacecraft.

Inside, there is a split driver and passenger area, zero physical buttons and not many interface components either. If this was a true concept, we can pretty much tell where the screens would be, but even so, it doesn’t look like there would be room for a large infotainment display.