Toward the tail end of last year, the folks at East Coast Defender announced that they were ready to start offering Range Rover classic SUVs as a part of their custom lineup. And while we weren’t sure if the brand could pair their typically heavy-handed approach into the more refined city-friendly Land Rover offering, we were nonetheless excited. It seems our trepidation was all for naught, however, as they’ve now revealed their first Range Rover Classic, called ‘Project Alpha,’ and it’s everything we could want and more.

The styling of this beautiful SUV cannot be overstated – from the simple two-tone paint job to the poignantly minimalist interior. Though, while its appearance is certainly something to fawn over, what makes us the most excited is what is hidden beneath the hood. You see, this custom classic SUV has the beating heart of a beast – a Corvette LS3 6.2-liter V8 engine capable of 430 horsepower and 425 foot-pounds of torque. So, while the outside of Project Alpha spells opulence, the performance is nothing shy of monstrous. Best part is, if you get in touch with ECD, you can order one for yourself.