Travel to Asia and you’ll be amazed at how small most cars on the roads are. Unlike in the U.S., where huge cars, trucks and SUVs dominate the streets, people on the other side of the world have very different requirements for their vehicles. It’s these demands that make this concept so interesting. Dubbed the Roewe I-Unit 2025 and created by Sugar Chow, the vehicle is targeted towards the younger generation and is literally two cars in one.

Chow started the design process by looking at the tiny Smart ForTwo and literally slicing it in half in the longitudinal axis. Thus, he created two individual pods which can be driven solo or joined together and driven as one vehicle. Each pod consists of a large front wheel and two small wheels hidden under bodywork at the rear.

For ease of ingress and egress, the pods don’t feature doors and are fully autonomous, meaning passengers simply jump inside and relax in the reclined seats. Also found within is a huge holographic display that extends out of the dashboard and keeps passengers entertained during their journey.

No mention has been made about what type of powertrain the I-Unit could use, but it would inevitably by all-electric, most likely with a small electric motor up front and a battery pack under the floor. The finished design is really cute and something we would love to see something like this on tight city roads in the future.