Mahindra will launch the XUV300 in India in the first half of February 2019. It will start exporting the new model around the same time. On being probed further, he added that the Mahindra XUV300's launch in India and South Africa will take place "near(ly) simultaneously".

The Mahindra XUV300 shares its underpinning with the Ssangyong Tivoli but features a different design with several Cheetah-inspired styling elements that put it in line with the aesthetics of the XUV500. Moreover, it features different powertrains, which will reportedly include turbocharged 1.2-litre petrol and 1.5-litre diesel engines.

The Mahindra XUV300 will be marketed as a premium product, which, as per Mahindra, won't be a car to get one from point A to point B at a low per km cost. The equipment list for the new compact SUV includes various high-end features like an electric sunroof, dual-zone climate control and seven airbags. In India, the XUV300 is likely to have a starting price of somewhere between INR 7.5-8 lakh (ex-showroom).