Will motorsports take to the sky in the future? The folks behind the Airspeeder racing series certainly think so, as they prepare to unveil this radical new 21st century sport at this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed.

Both media members as well as VIP guests will get to witness a spectacular flying display at an aerial track at the Goodwood Aerodrome. Meanwhile, the Airspeeder Mk IV, the world’s first piloted octocopter, will take center stage on a static display.

These Mk IV Octocopters were developed by Australian start-up Alauda Racing, and can hit speeds of 200 km/h while offering a power-to-weight ratio that is superior to that of an F-18 fighter jet. We should note that the flying machine that will actually take to the sky at Goodwood will be the Mk II model. Meanwhile, manned demonstrations of the Mk IV will begin in the Mojave Desert this November.