Apex sent out the first teaser for a Geneva-bound EV sports car concept, codenamed AP-0. That image was a profile shot, which only revealed the flared fenders and a massive tail fin like you’d find on older Formula 1 cars.

Now, however, we’re looking at a brand new teaser image, showing a partial front end. It’s safe to say that the AP-0 is one seriously aggressive-looking machine. Its design was penned by renowned UK designer Guy Colborne, who drew inspiration from oriental art, culture and heritage.

When viewed from the front, the AP-0 “assumes a dragon-like form”, with sharp and jagged lines found around the front grille, as well as two piercing, ocular headlights. The previously-mentioned aerodynamic fin stretches to the rear of the car and is influenced by both Formula 1 and Le Mans race cars. It also houses an advanced LiDAR camera.

According to Apex, “by rejecting a rear spoiler and instead employing a flat floor and large rear diffuser, airflow is channeled and accelerated underneath the car. The resulting ground effect and downforce provides the car and driver with outstanding capability, handling and stability.”

As for performance, it’s tough to say just how fast the battery-electric AP-0 will be, or if it will be able to match the 400 HP AP-1, which was unveiled last year. The ICE-powered AP-1 weights just 620 kg and can reportedly accelerate from zero to 100 km/) in 2.5 seconds.