Kawasaki has launched the Versys 1000 BS6 in India. The greener litre-class dual-sport motorcycle has been priced at INR 10.99 lakh*. The Kawasaki Versys 1000 made its entry into the Indian market in February 2019. It is the range-topping model in the Team Green’s Versys range. Other models in this range include the Kawasaki Versys-X 300 and Kawasaki Versys 650. The Versys 1000 has now received its BS6 update.

The Kawasaki Versys 1000 BS6 uses a revised 1,043 cc liquid-cooled, in-line 4-cylinder engine which churns out 120 PS of maximum power at 9,000 rpm and 102 Nm of peak torque at 7,500 rpm. The DOHC mill is paired with a 6-speed gearbox. Thanks to Kawasaki’s electronic throttle valve technology, the Versys 1000 has a smooth throttle response.

The Kawasaki Versys 1000 BS6 is capable of crunching many miles without any hiccups. It comes with upright rider ergonomics which provides a relaxed riding position. The dual-sport motorcycle is also equipped with an adjustable windscreen.

The Kawasaki Versys 1000 BS6 is available in two colour options - Candy Lime Green/Metallic Spark Black and Pearl Stardust White / Metallic Spark Black. At INR 10.99 lakh*, the Versys 1000 BS6 is INR 10,000 more expensive than the Versys 1000 BS4, which retailed at INR 10.89 lakh*.