Classic Legends has today launched the 2021 Jawa 42 in India. The new model has received a visual makeover for a sportier look and a few added features that would attract more buyers. It has been priced at INR 1,83,942 (ex-showroom, Delhi). To begin with, the new Jawa 42 comes equipped with 13-spoke alloy wheels with tubeless tyres. The wheels will be sold separately and can be purchased by the existing owners. The motorcycle will also come fitted with bar-end mirrors. Classic Legends has also added a trip meter in the new 42.

Moving on, the 2021 Jawa 42 has a redesigned seat pan and cushioning to enhance rider comfort. The company has also worked on the frame and suspension of the new motorcycle for improved ride quality and handling. To ensure that riders have a more engaging riding experience, the exhaust note of the new Jawa 42 has been tweaked as well. These are the standard features. Classic Legends has also come up with a flyscreen and headlamp grille that will be separately sold across its dealerships.


Classic Legends is offering three new colours with the 2021 Jawa 42. These include the Orion Red, Sirius White, and AllStar Black. All three of them feature a classic grey sports stripe runs across the length of the motorcycle. Also, the all-black theme of the new 42 remains common for all the paint options.

Powering the new Jawa 42 is the same 293 cc single-cylinder engine, however, the company says that it has made certain enhancements to it. The motor has been tuned to churn out 27.33 PS of max power and 27.02 Nm of peak torque. It also features a repositioned lambda sensor that monitors internal and external variables even more efficiently to give consistent performance and cleaner emissions regardless of any road condition. Classic Legends has also worked on the throttle response. It has been made crisper to respond to even the slightest inputs with precision through improved fuelling.