Goa-based startup Kabira Mobility has entered the high-speed electric motorcycle market in India. The company has launched its new Kabira KM3000 electric bike. The Kawasaki Ninja 300 lookalike has been priced at INR 1,26,900 (ex-showroom, Goa) and will be initially available in 9 cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Goa, and Dharwad. Bookings for the new KM3000 electric motorcycle will commence from 20 Feb 2021.

In terms of styling, the KM3000 is reminiscent of the Kawasaki Ninja 300. Elements such as the dual headlamps, sharp-looking fairing, sculpted fuel tank, split seats, and high-rise tail section are quite familiar. What’s new here is a fully-digital and colour instrument cluster. It can go as bright as 400 nits and has Bluetooth connectivity. The KM3000 also offers keyless start feature available on KM Connect.


The KM3000 electric motorcycle uses a 3000W motor which can produce a peak power of 6000W. The Li-ion battery pack has a usable capacity of 4kW. The batteries are certified as fireproof, waterproof, and shockproof. They can provide a max range of up to 120km in Eco mode, 95km in City, and 60km in Sports mode. It takes 6 hrs 30 min to fully charge the battery pack via Eco mode and 2 hrs via Boost mode. The top speed of the KM3000 is 100km/h.