This is the new Suzuki Misano, a new concept created by the students of the Master in Transportation Design at IED Torino in collaboration with the Japanese carmaker. The new speedster design study comes with an unusual off-center tandem seating layout as a way to connect Suzuki’s car and motorcycle expertise, with the name Misano coming of course from the famous Italian racetrack.
The new Misano concept’s connection to 2
wheels goes even deeper, featuring not a traditional steering wheel and pedals
but a control stick inspired by motorcycles. The offset positioning of the
seats also makes room for a battery pack and a boot space, since the new Suzuki
Misano is an electric barchetta.
The front end of the new concept features
a set of distinctive arrow-shaped headlights that are mounted together with a
grille, a setup that’s repeated on the rear of the vehicle. The single door on
the left also comes with a glass panel, allowing the driver to feel even closer
to the road.
The Suzuki Misano was designed by the
students of IED Torino’s Master in Transportation Design: Stefano Bizzo (Italy), Karan Chowdhury
(India), Michele Coen Pirani (Italy), Shreyas Pratap Dalvi (India), Chetan
Rajkumar Dekate(India), Emir Demircioglu (Turkey), Thomas Daniel
Faragalla(France), Jonathan Farah (Lebanon), Leonardo Ferraro (Italy),
Vigneshwar Ganesh (India), Shachar Koren (Israel), Alejandro Llisterri Vicente
(Spain), Bhavjyot Singh Mann (India), Luca Milesi (Italy), Sebastiano Miraka
(Albania), Rushabh Mistry (India), Ram Kaushik Ragala (India), Linda Ravella
(Italy), Aldo Rosario Russo (Italy), Massimo Salpietro (Italy), George
Schelfaut (Belgium), Shubham Sen (India), Nicolò Vallauri (Italy), Pratyush
Sanjay Wasule (India).
The Suzuki Misano concept will be on
display at the Museo Nazionale dell’Automobile di Torino from May 15 to June 6.