Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt Ltd has launched the Honda Cliq in Tamil Nadu at a starting price of INR 44,524, ex-showroom, Chennai. The Honda Cliq employs a 109.19 cc single cylinder engine. It belts out a maximum power of 8 bhp at 7000 rpm. Peak torque of 8.94 Nm comes in at 5500 rpm. A CVT gearbox pairs with the engine.

The scooter rides on special block pattern tyres, which Honda claims offers extra grip and better control over patchy roads under all weather conditions; and are more durable as well. For braking, the scooter uses 130 mm drum on both ends, with Combined Braking System (CBS). The scooter gets a mobile charging socket as well. Optional accessories include front screen, floor cover, centre box, cap cover, rear carrier and rear grip.

The Cliq comes in four colours: Patriotic Red with White, Black, Moroccan Blue with White, and Orcus Grey, and is available for sale in Standard & Graphic variants across Tamil Nadu.